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Values and Principles

The current principles (values) of the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture are:

  • Rooted in the Five Element Tradition
    • The Academy’s faculty, staff, and students recognize healing from the artistry and poetry of the Five Element perspective, which is deeply rooted in the natural world and treats the body, mind, and spirit. The Academy respects the efficacy of working in concert with other healing modalities, creating profound balance, harmony and well-being.
  • Spirit
    • One of the most distinguishing and exciting values of the Five Element tradition is its priority on treating at the level of spirit. The Academy is highly committed to the traditional value of working with each person’s unique connection to spirit in order to achieve the highest level of care.
  • Inner Development
    • Transformation is a process involving self-awareness and personal growth. The Academy emphasizes inner development of faculty, staff and students, encouraging cultivation of intention, humility, compassion, mindfulness and integrity in all aspects of their daily lives.
  • Excellence
    • In order to maintain the highest possible standard both academically and clinically, the Academy promotes excellence in faculty, staff and students, and is continually assessing and enriching all aspects of the Academy experience, balancing innovation with core essentials and a strong foundation.
  • Community and Service
    • The Academy places a high value on creating a school community committed to achieving a unified set of goals that is enhanced by a spirit of service, encouraging and supporting each individual to focus on the larger context. Through service and participation in public events, we strive to carry this sense of community to the world at large.

Last reviewed: 9/25/2022

values_principles.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/13 16:51 by admin

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